Strictly Laura Lynn

Strictly Laura Lynn
/ Sep

Strictly Laura Lynn

Crown Plaza, Santry
07:30 pm

LauraLynn is a hospice for children with life-limiting conditions and residential care for young adults with disabilities.

The history of our hospice has evolved over many years from its beginnings in 1925 as a convalescence home for children from the inner city, to the recent opening in 2011 of LauraLynn House, a dedicated 8 bed
children’s palliative care unit. This award winning healthcare building and it’s everyday operations are funded by the generous support of our donors.

Within our residential houses, we provide care for young people with intellectual disabilities and funding is provided by the HSE. In providing a safe and effective service for the children and young people within our care, we are guided by HIQA’s key principles of care.

– We offer support for children from birth to age 18.
– All our care is free for families
– Children can be referred from anywhere in Ireland
– We are piloting a LauraLynn@HOME programme in Dublin North-East and Dublin Mid-Leinster Regions, to provide hospice care for children in the comfort of their own home.

Additionally, we provide Residential Care for young adults with profound intellectual and physical disabilities. In line with national policy, we no longer accept referrals for this service but are committed to taking care of our young people who have been in our care since childhood.

In striving for excellence in the provision of children’s palliative care, LauraLynn has a recently established Clinical Education & Research Department, whose remit is to provide a range of educational programmes and initiatives for healthcare professionals and others interested in improving quality of care.

Also, click here to watch a short video on what LauraLynn means to families.